Public Fixtures Art -UK


Public Lighting, Statues and Other Fixtures – Functional and Symbolic Public Objects , reflective of epoch culture, sometimes informative brushing into the territory of signs.

The wind that begun in Mesopotamia swept by Persia and Greece then Venice and touched Great Britain , its subsided for now … the long(ish) calm before the next wirldwind .

Doors and Entrances – London & UK

Doors and Entrances

Artful Stylistic Doors , Gates and Entrances – Doors control people access , their decoration is meant to convey the prestige and privilege granted.

Treasury Door
Georgian Gates in Little Venice’s Giotto

Art of Life

The Art of Everyday Life through everyday objects in everyday environments but not exactly Andy Warhole’s Campbell soup painting … we are a little bit more selective and posh darlings 🙂 in our approach to avant garde Art.

Salmon Caviar by Petrossian
Salmon Caviar by Petrossian – Olive bread by Gail’s of London
Aged Steak In Islington
Aged Steak In Islington
To the Manor in Enfield
To The Manor In Enfield

YDNA ‘Son of the Nile’ V22+ Haplogroup שבט לוי

All males pass their Y chromosome to their sons with minimal changes through the generations, allowing the male lineage to be traced through history with a high degree of accuracy.

The Y-DNA haplogroup E-V22 likely originated in Upper Egypt, likely around Luxor (later part of Thebes), and spread to Lower Egypt. From there, it reached Israel, where it became associated with the Jewish population, especially the tribe of Levi. The Levites (mostly Samaritan) later carried this haplogroup into Europe, where it remains very rare today

son of the nile
Scarab – The ‘phoenix’ of Ancient Egypt

The Y-chromosome haplogroup E-V22 is relatively rare, found in about 3% of the male population around the Mediterranean Sea, but more common in Egypt, where it is present in approximately 15% of men. Academic studies have not yet reported E-V22 north of the Alps or in regions farther from the Mediterranean. This haplogroup is also observed among Jewish populations, with significant representation.

In particular, 100% of Samaritan Levites belong to E-V22, and the Samaritan Cohen priestly family also carries this haplogroup. Given that Moses, Aaron, Jacob, and Levi were directly related along the paternal line, it is plausible that they too may have carried the E-V22 haplogroup.

Abrahamic Y-DNA – Here we have to say that through female inheritance and absolute practical necessity different Y-DNA’s have entered into the Levitic and obviously the Cohen bloodlines and the founding Y-DNA (Abrahamic) is not yet known, for political reasons excluding present day Levites and Cohens is not desirable and this knowledge is fiercely opposed anyway.

Samaritans – The Samaritans (people of Northern Israel) claim to be the remnant of the kingdom of Israel, specifically of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, with priests of the line of Aaron/Levi.

V22+ Philogeny – The V22+ Haplogroup is also called E1b1b1a1c and is a Sub Clade of E1b1b1a1 (E-M78).

V22+ Trajectory – Apart from Egypt the Haplogroup travelled down the Nile to Ethiopia and Sudan.

Some of those Semitic V22+ ancient ancestors became part of the Israelites  and most likely settled in Israel either during the Jewish exodus 1313B.C. (2448 Jewish year) or earlier.

The vast Majority of non African V22+ in Europe I believe are of Jewish male ancestry, that was the accepted wisdom until resently when information overload and thirsty bias has spurned all sorts of unlikely theories.

The tribe of Levi has a huge Egyptian influence, it was not enslaved by the Pharaoh (Following the defeat of the Hyksos by the Egyptians) , Egyptian names appearing specifically for the Levi tribe are : Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Merari, Phinehas and more which strongly indicates  descend from Egypt.


 LEVI Tribe – In Ancient Egypt, the Levi tribe served in higher Egyptian offices (Moses) or as leaders of the Israelites or both, this could partly be a reason for using Egyptian names by some who were not Egyptian Levites.

In Israel, the Tribe of Levi held a special status, serving as the priests and religious functionaries for the Israelite nation , that role (and Jewishness) passes down from father to son unlike the other Israeli tribes were Jewish membership passes from mother to her children.

Jewishness – Here it is notable to say that often Jewish communities do not observe Jewish law (Halacha) which is authoritative and binding, and its principles are not meant to be optional or disregarded. Levi’s from a non Jewish mother are not allowed by these communities to serve as priests in direct violation of Halacha which specifies priestly descent through the father. These/most of Jewish communities therefore live in sin.

Jewishness as being descent from the mother is a fable, a myth because no Jewish woman can claim and prove descent from the founding female lineages of Israel, in fact historically myriads of non Jewish and very often unconverted (an absurdity in itself) females have entered the Jewish tribes.

King Solomon married several non Jewish women who did not convert to Judaism but their children were part of the Jewish tribe. The Myth of Jewishness through the mother is a particularly fond one among modern pseudo feminists, so there is strong resistance to the truth.(we could using their language call this toxic masculinity since women too have testosterone, but enough entertainment)

A Levitic Family In Europe – As an example of a Jewish V22+ we can use YDNA and autosomal DNA to follow the ‘Georgiou’ family (Guenzburgh?) from ancient Israel into Europe .

The family appears to have departed or expelled by the Romans from Israel to Italy , arriving in Sicily, from there they moved to mainland Italy and gradually to northern Italy eventually crossing into Switzerland (YDNA close similarity to surname Schweitzer) from there they moved into southern German palatinates (YDNA & Autosomal relatives) following that they moved into Bohemia then Romania (AustroHungarian Empire) and into the Russian empire specifically Ukraine , possibly following the Invitation to the Germans (effecttively) in 1763 by Queen Catherine the great of Russia, herself a German aristocrat, an invitation that persecuted religious minorities took advasntage of.

During these travels / historical journey in Europe they admixed (especially in the German Palatinates) with European protestants among which they lived since the protestants were also a minority religious group and a target of the Catholics.

In Ukraine/Imperial Russia the job of this rabinic Jewish family organisation was the importation of Tea and spices from India into Russia and I assume distribution by related Jewish families into the rest of Europe, sending family members through Ottoman Turkey, Iran, to Assam in India and elsewhere to bring the goods back, during these commercial journeys they left DNA traces, so that for example an Indian man from a religious caste of Assam shares the Jewish falmily’s Egyptian YDNA, and a family that traditionally operated a horse farm on the borders of Turkey and Iran , (where trading Caravans changed their horses for the long journey), shares autosomal DNA with this Jewish family.

As with everything historical there are some speculative parts but broadly the info presented here is at a minimum plausible.



Islamic Turkish Map Of Greece Circa 1880-1912

Turkish Islamic Map Of Greece, Ottoman Turkey and Balkans C.1880-1912
Front Cover Of Turkish Islamic Map Of Greece, Ottoman Turkey and Balkans C.1880-1912
Designed by S.De Castro Leon - / / / / / / / /