Ancient Architecture – Byzantium

Constantinople the Cosmopolitan Capital Of The Greek-Roman World , a Beacon of Civilisation and Commerce , home to some of my ancestors … Considering many of the ancient buildings have been destroyed by wars and looting I have to use accurate reconstructions

Πορτα και Παλατι Βουκελεων – Palace Of Voukeleon 1200AD
Φιλαδελφίον – Philadelphion in Constantinople 1200AD
Παλατι Βουκελεων – Palace Of Voukeleon 1200AD
Τομη Παλατι Βουκελεων – Palace Of Voukeleon 1200AD

more soon 🙂

The Senate House and Forum of Constantine – Constantinople
Αγία Σοφία (Κωνσταντινούπολη) – (Agia) Sancta Sophia Church Constantinople
Βασιλική Φορου Θεοδοσιου – Basilica of The Forum Of Theodosios In Constantinople
Παλατι και Πορτα του Βουκελεων – Palace and Port Of Voukeleon 1200AD
Temple of the Sun God Helios – Constantinople
Palace Of Hrisotriklinos – Παλατι Χρησοτρικλινος
Φόρος Θεοδοσίου – Forum of Theodosius In Constantinople (road left from Agia Sophia)
The Porta Aurea – Golden Gate in Constantinople
Column Of The Lion – Constantinople